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Best Diablo Immortal Server for Europe - Throne of Destruction

As the title says... Throne of Destruction is the best Europe Diablo Immortal server to play.

You can observe the player base and also the best prices in Market for platinum... for ex. I'll show you the Market from Throne of Destruction and as we can observe there are decent prices...

Don't bother to play and spend your money on other servers with expensive Gems in Market like 128k Platinum for Howler's Call 3* or 64k Plat for a 2*.

Now you can compare the prices between Diablo Immortal servers:

Diablo Immortal Stygian Fury server the most expensive market, don't play here!

« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 08:39:42 PM by Ebenezer »

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