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Diablo Immortal and World of Warcraft collaboration

Diablo Immortal and World of Warcraft collaboration
« on: June 29, 2024, 09:50:27 AM »
Diablo Immortal and World of Warcraft collaboration
Fight monsters, figth alongside undead, and get Frostmourne!

In a spectacle of fate, Frostmourne, a mysterious blade belonging to the feared Lich King, has materialized in Sanctuary. Undead threats amass in frost-laden portals, bolstering Diablo’s ever-growing strength.

Shadow of the Frozen Throne Event

Menacing Frozen Gates have been spotted throughout Sanctuary’s wilderness. Their glacial presence intimidates all who dare to gaze upon them. From July 4, 3 a.m.–July 26, 3 a.m. server time, you must track down these portals, brave the bitter cold by entering them, and melt the frozen hearts of the invaders waiting within.

A newfound power, Chill of the Frozen Throne, will be at your fingertips as you navigate the home of the freezing dead. Here’s how it works: Killing 5 monsters increases damage by 10% for 10 seconds. Randomly raise an undead warrior to fight for you (up to 5). Let this long unseen power champion your victory and lead you to rewards.

Thaw Out Otherworldly Rewards

Logging into Diablo Immortal during the Shadow of the Frozen Throne event will earn you the Icecrown Frame and completing the event will net you the Frostmourne Weapon Cosmetic. Just make sure to keep Frostmourne fed with souls, or else…

Reimagine your portal in image of the looming Icecrown Citadel. Receive a World of Warcraft-inspired Icecrown Pathway Portal with any Diablo Immortal real money purchase until July 26. In-game or*only, limit one per character. The portal will be available to redeem starting July 11.

*If you received the Icecrown Pathway Portal as a bonus for any Diablo Immortal real money purchase made through, the first character you log into Diablo Immortal with is eligible to claim the portal.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2024, 09:52:59 AM by Nemsy »

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