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Wield Untold Power in Crucible of Justice

Wield Untold Power in Crucible of Justice
« on: September 19, 2024, 12:23:12 PM »
Wield Untold Power in Crucible of Justice

Crucible of Justice is the next chapter of Diablo Immortal's main questline, available to those who have reached Paragon level 30 and completed the final leg of the Southern Dreadlands main quest, No Salvation. After retrieving the angelic sword El'druin from the Dreadlands, you have been tormented by your inability to wield it. A torment now taking on a life of its own. The Sword of Justice rejects the darkness that has crept into your body and mind with the shattering of the Worldstone shards. To contain the evil festering within and to prepare for your confrontation with Diablo, you must travel to the icy, beast-ridden Cold Isles—home of the Tempests— and fight for your very soul.



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