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Feral DPS Druid PvE Pre-Raid BiS WotLK Patch 3.3.5a

Feral DPS Druid PvE Pre-Raid BiS WotLK Patch 3.3.5a
« on: April 11, 2022, 03:34:23 AM »
Feral DPS Druid PvE Pre-Raid BiS WotLK Patch 3.3.5a

Weakness Spectralizers Engineering (440)

The Severed Noose of Westwind The Admiral Revealed

Spaulders of Frozen Knives Sons of Hodir Reputation (Honored)

Cloak of Holy Extermination Argent Crusade Reputation (Honored)

Darkheart Chestguard Ebon Blade Reputation (Exalted)

Seafoam Gauntlets Leatherworking

Leggings of Visceral Strikes Leatherworking

Dragonfriend Bracers Wyrmrest Reputation (Exalted)

Glitterscale Wrap Oracles Reputation (Revered)

Jormscale Footpads Leatherworking

Ring of Scarlet Shadows Jewelcrafting

Oracle Talisman of Ablution Oracles Reputation (Exalted)

Staff of Trickery Heroic Violet Hold (Cyanigosa)

« Last Edit: April 11, 2022, 03:54:42 AM by FengShui »

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